Monday, November 9, 2009

Molecules of Emotion

I've been reading Molecules of Emotion by Candace Pert. Molecules of Emotion is Candace's autobiography that details the life of a prominent scientist at the National Institute of Health. Her research career involves the biochemical interactions between the body and the mind--effectively proving not only do your thoughts impact your physical health, but that your physical health can impact your mental health as well. In her book she tells us about her big a-ha moment concerning the age-old question of how emotions transform the body, either creating disease or healing it, maintaining health or undermining it. "Why, it's both! It's not either/or; in fact, it's both and neither! Its simultaneous--a two-way street."

This revelation so powerful, because it shows the link between our external environment and our internal environment. They are one and the same. It also links the importance of what we put in our bodies, i.e. food and drink. There is no way to nourish yourself in only one area of your life. Even the best doctors cannot cure lung cancer patients who still smoke, nor can a pill reverse 50 years of poor dietary habits that have led to heart disease. Modern medicine can buy you more time, but it cannot promote good health.

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